Это действительно опера. Оперное развитие сюжета. Все декорации преувеличены. И пластиковые кишки, и литры бутафорской кровышшшы.
Но мать моя... каждый раз как слышу голос Рипомена, расплющивает по клавиатуре. Как сделать так, чтобы отпустило, пожалуйста?
Песни с названием на английском нашёл, а на русском... Это те, которых на родном английском нет в сети пока, когда появятся неизвестно, а названия не знаю.
А как же некоторые из них хочется!
Теперь хоть подвывать любимым песням можно)))
Увертюра «Рипомен»
Thing You See In A Graveyard part 1
21st Century Cure
Шайло-Когда ты заражена
Legal Assassin
Lungs And Livers
Mark It Up
Thing You See In A Graveyard part 2
Ларго - Шайло
Thankless Job
Ларго и Мэг
Шайло и Рипо-папа
Zydrate Anatomy
Night Surgeon
Chase The Morning
At The Opera Tonight
Testify (The Genetic Opera)
Песня Слепой Мэг
Let The Monster Rise
I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much
Шайло – теперь я свободна
Graverobber - эпилог
Thing You See In A Graveyard part 1
Background: Things you see in a graveyard...
Things you see in a graveyard...
Rotti: Maggots, vermin...
You want the world for nothing.
Commence your groveling...
Rotti, your king, is dying.
Even Rotti Largo
Cannot prevent this passing.
Who will inherit GeneCo?
I'll keep those vultures guessing... (Things you see in a graveyard)
I'll keep those vultures guessing... (Things you see in a graveyard)
I'll keep those vultures guessing!
21st Century Cure
Graverobber: Industrialization has crippled the globe.
Loudpseaker: Enjoy GeneCo's day and nighttime formulas of Zydrate
Graverobber: Nature failed as technology spread.
Loudpseaker: Ask a Gentern if Zydrate is right for you
Graverobber: And in it's wake, a market erected.
Loudspeaker: Buying Zydrate from an unliscenced source is illegal
Graverobber: An entire city built on top of the dead!
And you can finance your bones and your kidneys.
For every market a submarket grows.
But best you be punctual with making your payments
Lest it be you on the concrete below~
It's quick, it's clean, and it's pure.
It could change your life, rest assured.
It's the 21st Century Cure!
And it's my job, to steal and rob...
So why care for these petty obsessions?
Your designer heart still beats with common blood!
And if you could have genetic perfection,
Would you change who you are, if you could?
'Cause it's quick, it's clean, and it's pure! (All you really need is)
It could change your life, rest assured. (All you got to have is)
It's the 21st Century Cure! (All you need is surgery! )
And it's my job, to steal and rob...
Legal Assassin
Assassin... murderer... monster(etc)
Where did our daughter go?
It's me, she must escape.
My burdens, I can't erase.
The mother, I might have saved.
Assassin... murderer... monster
Marni, I need you now.
Look what I've become.
The nightmare that she should fear
Is the father you left alone!
Assassin... murderer... monster(x3)
The years roll by without you, Marni.
17 have come and gone.
I raised our Shilo with the best intentions.
But there is something I can't tell her.
I am lost without you here.
I am only living out a lie!
And Shilo can never leave.
She is my everything.
Nothing can bring you back.
Shilo is all I have!
Assassin... murderer... monster(x3)
The years roll by without you, Marni.
17 have come and gone.
I raised our Shilo with the best intentions.
But there is something I can't tell her.
I am lost without you here.
I am only living out a lie!
Assassin! Assassin! Assassin!
Nathan/Repo Man:
I'm the monster!
I'm the villain!
What perfection!
What precision!
Keen incisions, I deliver!
Unscathed organs, I deliver!
Repossessions, I deliver!
I'm the Repo, Legal Assassin!
Lungs And Livers
Lungs and livers an bladders and hearts,
You'll always save a bundle when you buy our GeneCo parts!
Spleens and intestines and spines and brains;
All at discount prices, but out quality's the same!
Mark It Up
Background: Mark it up [x4]
Amber: Where the fuck is dad, brothers?
Luigi: He left me in charge, sister!
Both [A/L]: I don't take lip from a
Luigi: Slut!
Amber: Cunt!
Pavi: My brother and sister should fuck!
Luigi: Pavi! Shut the fuck up!
I'm the smartest and the toughest!
I will find a hole and fuck it!
If there ain't one, I will make one!
Luigi don't take shit from no one!
One brain, mark it up!
Only I got brains enough!
That's why Pop will leave GeneCo to me~
Me, me, me, me, me, me!
Pavi: Ha!
Ask a Gentern who they prefer,
10 out of 9 will say the Pavi!
The most dashing, panty-snatching!
I will leave your diapers dripping!
Two hearts, mark it up!
Pavi steals all of the hearts!
Luigi: You ain't got the guts, brother!
Pavi: I'll bark on your lungs, brother!
Both [P/L]: Dad will leave GeneCo to me!
You wait! Time will tell!
Pavi's face will rule them all! (Luigi's fists will rule them all! )
When I inherit Papa's stuff, (When I inhereit all Dad's stuff)
Take Dad's will and mark you out! (Take Dad's will and write you out! )
Take my cut and mark it up!
Mark it up, mark it up!
Thing You See In A Graveyard part 2
Ashes, dust... (Ashes! Dust! )
My children were a bust.
They shall inherit nothing.
No... no...
My legacy is too great
To throw away on ingrates.
Nathan Wallace had potential,
Until he stole my Marni away!
In denial, Nathan blamed himself for Marni's sudden death,
But never once thought to suspects the man who writes his checks!
I guess... I'll take it to my death! (Things you see in a graveyard)
I'll take it... to... my... death.
Marni, it's Rotti.
You never should have left me.
I would have given you the world...
It's been difficult to see you after what you put me through
You've forced my hand and made me to--
Well... It looks like I'll be joining you.
It seems the man who cured the globe cannot stop his own extinction...
But I can go out with a bang!
Background: Things you see ina graveyard
Things you see in a graveyard
Rotti: I can go out with a BANG!
Background: Things you see in a graveyard
Things you see in a graveyard
Things you see in a graveyard
Things you see in a graveyard
Thankless Job
Record: Re-po-Ma~n!
Repo Man: It's a thankless job, but somebody's got to do it!
Peelin' of the the tissue inch by inch,
Skinnin' off the muslces, too!
Harvestin' the kidnies for the fall!
Savin' up the livers in the fridge!
No one ever thanks me when I'm done,
How self-absorbed people can be!
With a slice or a snip,
With a cut, and a stitch,
Returning organs brand-new!
It's a thankless job, but somebody's got to do it!
Like a mop, and a broom,
No one likes a thankless job!
Zydrate Anatomy
I can feel nothing at all (x2)
Grave Robber:
Drug Market
Sometimes, I wonder why I ever got in.
Blood Market
Love Market
Sometimes, I wonder why they need me at all.
Zydrate comes in a little glass vile
A little glass vile?
A little glass vile
Grave Robber:
And the little glass vile goes into the gun like a battery
And the Zydrate gun goes somewhere against your anatomy
And when the gun goes off, it sparks, and you're ready for surgery
Amber Sweet:
Grave Robber (x2)
Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother.
Graver Robber (x2)
Sometimes, I wonder why I need you at all.
Grave Robber:
And Amber Sweet is addicted to the knife
Addicted to the knife?
Addicted to the knife
Grave Robber:
And addicted to the knife
She needs a little help with the agony
And a little help comes in a little glass vile
In a gun pressed against her anatomy
And when the gun goes off, Miss Sweet is ready for surgery
Amber Sweet:
Graver Robber (x2)
Sometimes, I wonder why I need you at all.
It's clean
It's clear
It's pure
It's rare [x6]
Grave Robber:
It's takes you there (x2)
Before you cut
A change inside
Amber Sweet:
I can feel nothing at all
Feel alive!
So you think you got heart?
So you think you got balls?
So you think you Mag can sing?
I don't think nothing at all.
Amber Sweet:
So you think Mag has pipes?
Well, it's my turn to shine.
When the Repo Man strikes!
What are you talking about?
Grave Robber:
Mag's contract's got some mighty fine print
Mighty fine print?
Mighty... fine... print
Grave Robber:
And that mighty fine print puts Mag in a mighty fine predicament
If Mag up and splits, her eyes are forfeit, and if GeneCo and Rotti so will it
Then a Repo Man will come and she'll pay for that surgery
Night Surgeon
Nathan: Dear Marni, I am so sorry
Can you forgive me for this... ?
Rotti: Let the Dead Doctor with the hungry scalpal
Hear my prognosis, will they live?
Bodyguards: Doubtful.
Luigi: You're the Street Physician,
Carving rare sculptures!
Pavi: Paint your ass like a Rembrandt!
Ha! You like-a that!
Rotti: Better start praying when you see him coming!
Luigi: 'Cause tonight it's curtains!
All: You're the Night Surgeon!
Remember who you are... [I remember...] (Remember what you did to Marni)
Remember who you are... [I remember! ] (Remember what you did to her! )
Rotti: See your knife!
Pavi: See it glide!
Luigi: See it slice!
Pavi: A-who's your Night Surgeon?
Rotti: Hope you have my money!
Pavi: Or it's "Bon Voiage!"
Luigi: He'll do your ass like dishes!
Background(Rotti, Pavi, Luigi)/Nathan/GenTerns:
Remember who you are... [I remember...] (Remember what you did to Marni)
Remember who you are... [I remember! ] (Remember what you did to her! )
Remember who you are... [I remember...] (Remember what you did to Marni)
Remember who you are... [I remember! ] (Remember what you did to her! )
Nathan: I remember every dying whisper,
Every desperate murmer...
I remember when I gaze upon her,
She looks just like you...
I remember, I remember!
I remember walking every victim
With accute precision...
I remember everytime I hold you,
My blunt companion...
I remember, I dismember!
'Cause the Claims Medic gives no anesthetic!
90-Day Deliquient get your Repo Treatment!
I'm the Masked Horror on your street corner!
Make your mama mourn ya!
I'm the Night Surgeon!
I remember...
Chase The Morning
Part 1
Mag: Shilo?
Is your name Shilo?
Can I talk to you?
Can you come down please?
Shilo: Why?
Mag: So we can speak.
I saw you at the show.
I thought I'd seen a ghost.
Your resemblance is striking.
You have your mother's eyes, her hair
I was told you died with her
All these years have come and gone
How do I put this?
I'm your... Godmom.
Shilo: State your business.
Mag: Business?
Shilo: What do you want?
Mag: I want, I want to finally meet you
Something real to cling to, leave you
With the hope that you will go to
All you're meant to, all I failed to
In you is a world of promise
We have both been kept in bondage
But you could learn from all my failures.
Shilo: I'm not suppose to talk to strangers...
Mag: Or let them through the gate?
Shilo: That either. A big risk.
Mag: A big fence.
Shilo: A big mistake.
Mag: A new friend.
Marni: Chase the morning
Yeild for nothing
Chase the morning
Yeild for nothing
Shilo: Oh my god, mom!
How'd you do that?
Mag: Do what?
Shilo: That. That eye thing.
Mag: These eyes can do more than see.
Shilo: I know. I mean, I've seen you sing.
Mag: Where?
Shilo: From my window. I can see the world from their.
Name the stars and constellations.
Count the cars and watch the seasons.
Mag: I wish we could have watched together.
Shilo: I can't have guests.
Mag: Never?
Shilo: Ever.
If Dad found out that I'd been let out
Or that you'd been let it--
Mag: I should go, then, before I do
Promise me you won't
Shilo: Better that you don't.
Mag: Don't forget a sheltered rose
Needs a little room to bloom
Outside her bedroom
(Shilo: It's best if I resume my life
Inside my bedroom.)
Marni: Chase the morning
Yeild for nothing
Chase the morning
Yeild for nothing
Mag: Let your life be a dream
Integrity, honesty
It's too late for me
Don't look back
Till you're free to chase the morning
Marni: Yeild for nothing
Chase the morning
Yeild for nothing
Yeild for nothing
Part 2
Mag: Hi, Nathan.
Nathan: Mag...
How did you get in here?
Don't you have a show tonight?
Mag: How are you, Nathan?
Nathan: Busy.
Mag: You never were a man of many words, Nate.
You told me Shilo died.
Nathan: Listen--
Mag: Nathan, I promised your late wife
I'd be present in Shilo's life
Nathan: Please, Mag.
Shilo's very I'll
It's not safe for her to see people
I need to give her her medication.
Shilo: Dad, let her stay in here
Nathan: No, she's leaving
Shilo: Please hide her here
Nathan: From what?
Shilo: She'll be dead
Nathan: Look, I told her she was sick
Mag: Nathan you are hurting me
Shilo: Dad!
Nathan: My daughter needs her rest
Mag: I'll be fine, Shilo
Don't you fret
Shilo: Repossessions are dangerous (Shilo, go to bed)
You're not safe. Dad, she's not safe (Shilo, go to bed)
Mag: Shilo, don't you fret
Nathan: Leave my daughter, she is sick (Your daughter's become a slave)
Mag: you've turned this house into a zoo (I can't have this)
Marni wouldn't want this for you (I'm not going to ask again)
Set her free, set her free! (Please don't leave, Please don't leave! )
Shilo: Come back!
Nathan: Keep it down, Shi
Shilo: Come back!
Nathan: It's your bed time, it's late
Shilo: Dad, am I--
Nathan: Please
Shilo: She will die
Nathan: Nonsense
Shilo: It's arrived, Dad
Nathan: Nonsense
Shilo: It's a contract
Nathan: A contract?
Shilo: Come and see
Nathan: Nonsense
Shilo: Come see!
Mag's in trouble, Dad
Nathan: Where'd you get this?
Shilo: Read it, Dad, a Repo Man will come and take Mag's eyes!
Nathan: There are things in life
That we do best to leave alone
Shilo: She'll die, you must help her, Dad (That are beyond control)
You must stop her
Please, Dad (That you don't want to know)
Will you save Mag?
She will loose her eyes
Unless you stop this Repo Man
Nathan: Shilo, this is senseless (Dad, you have to try)
Shilo, this is pointless! (You can't let her die! )
Shilo, Please shutup! (Dad--)
Seventeen! Mama drama's got to go, dad
Seventeen! Nothing's gonna bring her back
Seventeen! Experiment with something living
Seventeen! 'Cos I'm sweeter than 16
Hey hey hey hey
Hey hey hey hey (x2)
(Seventeen! ) I've always longed for true affection
(Seventeen! ) But you compare me to a corpse!
(Seventeen! ) Stay with the dead, I'm joining the living
'Cos I'm freer than sixteen!
Hey hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey hey! (x2)
[Joan Jett solo]
Something's changing...
I can feel it...
I'm seventeen now
Why can't you see it?
Seventeen and you can't stop me
Seventeen and you won't boss me!
You cannot control me father,
Daddy's girl's a fucking monster!
At The Opera Tonight
Repo Man/ Nathan: Tonight we are betrayed
Keep Shilo safe
Make Rotti pay
I'll man his grave
At the opera... tonight
Rotti: Shilo, this dress once belonged to your mother.
I would be most honored if you wore it to the opera.
Shilo: I must be brave
Come, come what may
Can I be saved?
Is there a way
At the opera tonight?
Mag/Nathan/Repo Man:
I've made my peace (No chance for peace)
I hold no grudge (I'll end this grudge)
I'm gonna sing (I'll stain the streets)
My final song (They'll run with blood)
At the opera tonight!
Amber: One more hit
For the show
Make it fast!
Grave Robber: Take it slow
Amber: One more hit
Of the glow
Grave Robber: Go get cut
[Both]: For tonight's show!
Rotti: Tonight I set the stage!
Luigi: Tonight we set the stage
Rotti: My greatest play!
Pavi: My greatest face!
Rotti: I'll take the lead!
Luigi: My greatest rage!
Pavi: Pavi gets laid!
All: All debts are paid
At the opera tonight!
Reeeeepooo Maaaan
Reeeeepooo Maaaan
Repo Man: At the opera tonight!
Mag: Repo Man, come take my hand (Amber: At the opera tonight! )
Repo Man, My eyes!
Repo Man, At the opera tonight!
Grave Robber: Bloodbath
It's gonna be a bloodbath
Cause no one crosses GeneCo
No, Not even Repo
Will Rotti clean house?
Damn, we're gonna find out
At the opera
Stay tuned
The winner of this blood feud
Will take GeneCo...
Testify (The Genetic Opera)
Maestro: Everybody, everybody! (get down, get down now)
S-s-sstand up! (Don't be shy)
People, people, people, (get up, get up, get up)
Everybody, everybody (Testify)
Get down, get down now
S-s-s-stand up, don't be shy!
People, people, people
Get up, get up, get up,
Everybody Testify!
Man 1: GeneCo helped me upgrade my second-class heredity!
Maestro: Testify!
Woman 1: My liver was wrecked, but now I can drink whatever I want!
Maestro: Testify!
Man 2: Before GeneCo, my anatomy was completely repressed!
Maestro: State your names!
Geneterns: Geneterns...
Maestro: S-s-s-s-s-saved!
Everybody, everybody,
Get down, get down now
S-s-s-stand up, don't be shy!
People, people, people,
Get up, get up, get up,
Everybody, everybody,
Tes. Ti. Fy!
Woman 2: I needed a kidney transplant desperately
GeneCo showed this single mom sympathy
This makeover came for a small added fee
Now I look smashing on live TV!
Back: You know you want it, baby!
GeneCo's got it!
You know you want it baby!
GeneCo's got it!
You know you want it baby!
GeneCo's got it!
You know you want it baby!
Let The Monster Rise
Didn't I tell you not to go out, didn't I?
You did, you did...
Didn't I say the world was cruel, didn't I?
You did, you did...
Then tell me how this happened
What I did wrong, tell me why
Can't we just go home, Shi,
And forget this dreadful night?
Didn't you say that you were different, didn't you?
I am, I am
Say you aren't that person, say it
I am, I am!
Then tell me how to act, Dad,
What to say, Dad,
Tell me why!
All you've ever told me, every word,
Is a lie!
Didn't you say that you'd protect me, didn't you?
I tried, I tried...
Is that how you'd help me, is it?
I tried, I tried!
Don't help me anymore, Dad,
You are dead, Dad,
In my eyes.
Someone has replaced you
Dad, I hate you,
Go and die!
Didn't I build a house, a home, didn't I?
(You did, you did! )
Didn't I raise her all alone, didn't I?
(You did, you did! )
Then Rotti took her from me,
Took my Shilo, he's to blame!
Have I failed my daughter...
Then let the father die!
I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much
Dad be still,
There is nothing here to take,
It can wait.
Shi, your mother's calling me.
Sometimes I wanted to cry
When the people on TV were not quite the way we were
Somehow I guess I just knew.
But I didn't know I'd love you so much
I didn't know I'd love you so much
I didn't know I'd love you so much
But I do.
Sometimes I'd stay up all night
Wishing to God that I was the one who died.
Sometimes it's not enough time.
But I didn't know I'd love you so much
I didn't know I'd love you so much
I didn't know I'd love you so much
But I do.
Didn't know I'd love you so much.
Didn't know I'd love you so much.
Didn't know I'd love you so much
But I do.
Shilo, go.
Dad, I will not leave you here
You will live.
But you've already saved me, dear.
Go and change the world for me.
We will always have each other
In our time of need
(Shilo) Daddy, you're the world to me.
(Nathan) Shilo, you're the world to me.
@музыка: I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much
@настроение: Рипо...
@темы: лирика
Ванпис лучше *хихикает* в репке под 400 серий нет)У ты божеж мой *обнимает и нЭжно лелеет*. Как жеж тебя приплющило-то!
Как, как, не нежно)) Но сурово и надёжно)))
*обнимает не нЭжно* Вооооот так? *старательно сияет зведочками*
I'm the Repo, Legal Assassin!???
Какие люди)))
А саундтрек зачотный, хоть и смущают некоторые песни которых в сюжете не наблюдалось.
Ога))) вполне дрочибельно))) гыгыгы))
А вообще.. такие как там голоса, музыку и атмосферу ещё поискать надо. У вас есть что-либо получше на примете, о мой взрослонастроеный гость?
Мне больше всего нравится Mark it up, Thing You See In A Graveyard и Sewenteen.
Алсо, яндекс выдал по поиску музыки ссылку на этот жж, так названия большинства песен и узнал
Хн.. интересно)) У меня список фаворитов совершенно другой.
21st Century Cure, I'm infected, Legal Assassin, Zydrate Anatomy, Night Surgeon, Chase The Morning, Gold, Let The Monster Rise, I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much
На это вобщем, намекала и сама концовка, возвещавшая что история Geneco продолжается.
Другой вопрос, что будет с сюжетом и найдётся ли среди новых главных героев достойная замена Натану и Ротти
Вроде как там Шайло на зидрат подсела..
А вот Натана и Ротти действительно будет не хватать(
А если таки выйдет - Натана и Ротти можно будет по идее ещё посмотерть - планируется одну часть сделать предысторией.
Сам я к слову, харьковский отаку, зовусь Yushi если что, заходи
или в аську 420887271 ибо нет меня на дайри и не предвидится
Могу в аську выползти.
Вот только какой из меня собеседник это ещё вопрос))))